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YouTube deletes all accounts ... Learn about the new policy of YouTub

YouTube deletes all accounts ... Learn about the new policy of YouTube

YouTube deletes all accounts ... Learn about the new policy of YouTube. The new YouTube policy has raised concern for users and creators that YouTube may suspend and suspend their accounts due to changes under the section Suspension and Termination, or add Account Suspension & Termination.  

YouTube deletes all accounts ... Learn about the new policy of YouTube

YouTube may terminate User access or Google Account access to the Services in whole or in part if YouTube believes that provision of the Service to users and creators is no longer commercially applicable, in more explicit terms YouTube may delete the User Account if  The funds did not profit from them. The Company's current terms and conditions do not include any of the above.

YouTube sent e-mail notifications to users in the past weeks to inform them of the new terms of service and the new terms were not clearly stated in that mail and the wording was too vague. As mentioned, these general terms give YouTube the power to delete the account of the content creators if one of them  To upload or stream live video that does not generate enough revenue from advertising. 

This included not only content makers but also ordinary users, meaning that everyone who has an account on the platform whether or not they upload videos is equally vulnerable to deleting their account and possibly preventing them from  The service is Bish  Each final any Hatta if another account was renewed.

There are those who put this policy within the good policies, whereby all the spam will be cleaned up and you will clarify more YouTube will emphasize the removal of users and channels that spread violence and hate speech, for example, any account that publishes content beyond those conditions is considered to be no longer commercially valid  .
